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Montana for Agriculture in the Classroom

Lesson Plans

Montana AITC Lesson Plans

We invite you to use our lesson plans in your daily teaching. Many of our lesson plans spark great science fair project research and activities. All of the lesson plans are aligned with Montana standards and have been integrated into current subject areas. (See age categories below, or refer to the K-8 Projects tab for additional lesson plans.)

There are many opportunities to teach students vital information about agriculture through math, science, social studies (economics), and other subject areas. Behind the title of each lesson plan, the subject areas are listed for your convenience. Many of the lesson plans have external links in them so you can take your class on virtual tours and in-depth investigations of the subjects.

If you have favorite agriculture lesson plans that you would like to share with other teachers please contact us.

Refer to the tabs below for lesson plans, or click here K-8 Projects for additional lesson plans appropriate for grades K-8.