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Montana for Agriculture in the Classroom

K-8 Projects

Montana Pollinator Ecuation Project

Lesson plans for K-8 covering the importance of pollinators to agriculture and our food.

We would like to welcome you to the Montana Pollinator Education Project (MPEP)! This educational project has many components, including posters, pollinator ID cards, lesson plans, illustrations, and resource documents. The project was a collaborative effort between the following organizations: DNRC, NRCS, the Montana Department of Agriculture, and the Gallatin County Conservation District. Other agencies whose help was certainly appreciated include Montana State University Entomologists and the Xerces Society. Many photographers donated their photos so that students could see actual exceptional photos of pollinators, to them we give a huge thanks!

Pollinator Lesson Plans

Learning & Bulletin Board Resources

Teachers may order a complete color set of the pollinator cards, a poster, seeds for a pollinator garden, and other educational materials through the contact below. (Postage fees will be charged for orders outside of the continental U.S.) Contact Montana Agriculture in the Classroom to place an order.

Additional Resources

Educational Extensions: Online Videos & Websites

Be sure to share any other resources you find excellent for teaching about pollinators by sending the links to us. We will add them to our list and share them!

Pollinator Education Reading List

Click on the images below for more information about each book.

The Honey Makers
Attracting Native Pollinators
A Bee's Life Cycle
Bee Basics: An Introduction to Our Native Bees
Bees: A First Discovery Book
Why Do Bees Buzz