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Montana for Agriculture in the Classroom

Membership Opportunities

Any eligible group/organization/business may make application for membership of the Montana Ag in the Classroom Foundation, and upon acceptance thereof by the current members of MAITC Foundation board, shall be entitled to all of the rights and privileges of membership as defined within the Bylaws.

The members of Montana Ag in the Classroom Foundation shall consist of five classes for organizations or businesses: Partner, Steward, Friend, Donor, and Contributor.

Dues for membership in the Montana Ag in the Classroom Foundation shall be as follows:

initial $10,000 + (annual membership renewal $1,000)
initial $7,000-$9,999 (annual membership renewal $1,000)
$4,000- $6,999 (annual renewal within this level amount)
$1,000- $3,999(annual renewal within this level amount)
$1 - $999(annual renewal within this level amount)

Please contact for more information.