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Montana for Agriculture in the Classroom

About Us

Why teach agriculture?

For the first time in U.S. history, more families are living in cities than in rural areas. Consequently, children are disconnected from the natural world and agriculture.

What is Agriculture in the Classroom?

Montana AITC is a statewide educational program providing resources, training and support to schools, educators and volunteers so that they can meaningfully connect children to agriculture. We do this through AITC-designed lessons and resources, educator training workshops, newsletters, magazines, teacher awards, and volunteer projects and initiatives.

We provide schools and communities with opportunities to learn about agriculture in a fun and effective way, and seeks to instill appreciation for local agriculture and food production.

Some students today may not realize where their food, fiber products, and alternative energy originate. Agriculture in the Classroom is working to provide educational opportunities to discover agriculture's many benefits for today and tomorrow.

The Mission of the Ag Literacy Specialist is:

  • To provide teachers with timely, accurate, and integrated standards-based curriculum on Montana agriculture through "hands on, minds on" activities.
  • To encourage Montana student critical thinking about the role of agriculture in tomorrow's world.